I would like to gather suggestions for the GUI of the editor. I like the surface to be cleaned up and not to keep it semi-realistic.
Very disturbing are f.e. the dark and rich colors of the input fields. You can see the values ​​partially barely because a black typo is not first choice on every background, especially on high-res devices where fonts are very small. So why not get back to a much clearer grayscale GUI (like the attached hd 300 edit).
Somehow there should be more focus and clarity to what you're doing.
Less seems to be much more on a working-GUI.
Also I would like to see original values ​​would be marked to retrieve them (and shortcuts for retrieve and zero/neutral values).
Best would be a before / after comparison of settings for tone experiments (if there is not already the (I'm new here)).
Please excuse my miserable English.