Here is my board I made for the hd500x. I've replaced the ditto with a 720 but nothing else has changed. I built the board out of pine that I had sawed and kilned for shop lumber. I didn't use any joinery and it was very simple to make. Although I did get to this point from a log, a nice woodshop will have better options. I made this before I seen the ikea hack but it is very much the same.
As for routing, there are many options and I'd like to know how you guys are incorporating your stereo rigs with fx loops and this pedal. I'm currently running the pedal itself in mono because the octave and modulation are really nice on the front end, then both amps have a different od from the aby, a single eq, stereo reverb, and stereo/pan volume. In the effects loop is a timefactor, trinity reverb, and looper (currently). I find myself moving these around a lot. Anyone have any better routing options or suggestions?