I own a HD500 for a few days now.
I think the models and everything are great, but I'm really having problems with the volume.
For example I want to use the AC30 model, but even when I max the Channel Volume ( CH VOL ) and the Drive I can't get enough volume to work with.
I even maxed the level to +12db in the mixer and still can't get a decent amount of volume ( the volume is there, but considering max. CH Vol, max. Drive, max. boost in the mixer, it's definitely not acceptable ).
I could of course use compression or distortion in front of the amp, but I can't see that as a solution, since I maxed everything and still not getting a good volume and comp. or dist. also affect the sound ( of course ).
I searched quite a bit and this guy here seems to have the same problem: http://line6.com/supportarchivenew/thread/63490
I have my HD500 connected via USB, which is also how I record.
I made pictures of the settings and also recorded my guitar ( one with just the AC30 model and the other one with added compression ).
I think the compressed one sounds fine, but I'm not satisfied with having to always use a compression for the cleaner amp models ( some models give a nice amount of volume, especially the more dirty ones ).
Also the output mode is set to studio/line, but also tried other options in the software and also on the HD500 itself ( the switches ).
Can you guys try my settings and upload your playing? What could be the problem?
My guitar pickups should give enough output ( EMG DG-20 active pickups with fully loaded battery ).
Kind regards,