Hi all,
I am hoping that someone in farawayland can help...
Mainly I play acoustic - a Martin D-28 with an Anthem SL.
In need of a delay, my first choice was a Boss DD-7, but attracted by the possibility of presets, I bought a Pocket Pod.
Last night I played around with various delay times and feedback and set six or so presets for particular songs. I thought that I had bypassed everything except the delay, ie: Cabinet Tuning = Direct; Cabinet Model = No Cab, but after the first set today I had to unplug from the Pocket Pod, because it had affected my tone so much. Everything was very toppy - nicely balanced across all frequencies, but completely lacking "fullness".
Again, I am pretty sure that through Vyzex I had all possible culprit switches turned off - particularly EQ.
Last minute, last night, I was setting the presets through my Genelec monitors in my control room and suspected that there was some serious colouring happening, but I don't normally put the Anthem SL through those monitors! A sensible guitarist would have set up the PA and realised that there was an issue.
As it's the silly season, I suspect that Support won't be free to answer questions, but as it is the silly season I have quite a lot of gigs so would appreciate any words of wisdom.
Thanks muchly...