Hi i have the following Gear (1 POD XT PRO, 1 POD XT BASS PRO, 1 POD 2 PRO) i want to daisy chain them using their AES/EBU connectors to the AES/EBU input of my sound card (MOTU traveler).so i don't have any loss signal, and can guarantee a 100 % digital signal to my DAW, with no noise coloration of any POD but the one i m playing.
For the cable connection, i start from the POD 2 AES/EBU as it only has output, no input, then go to the pod XT Bass, POD XT, and to the input of my sound card.
All my gears are sync in 44,1 HZ, i got it right no problem here
My issue is to bypass (no sound colorario, eq, volume...) of the pods which are after the one my instrument is plugged.
For instance
If i plug my guitar in the pod 2 Pro i put AES/EBU left as an input (with dry signal) on the POD XT PRO and put AES/EBU left on the POD XT BASS PRO but this last don't allow to select dry signal and it coloured (compressor work, volume...) the main sound (POD 2 PRO).
Hope you get my point, and could help me in achieving the 100 % digital configuration i m after with no noise coloration from POD which are after the one i m playing.
Thanks in advance.