Hello there, first post et al.
I really searched the forum and internet for an answer to this and i would be amazed if this were not possible:
I want to sync a Pod 2.0 (newer one i guess) with Ableton Live 9. Basically i want the Tap Tempo to be aligned with Live 9 to record guitar tracks via audio with a synced delay. I know that i will have to adjust the right type (4/4, 8/8 etc.) on the Pod itself but basically the Pod should adjust with whatever Tempo i am recording a certain song in.
I know there is a CC message for Tap Tempo (CC64) but that did not really work and i would really just like to just connect the Pod2.0 with a Midi Interface to Live 9 and strum away without having to build a midi track with sync data. I would also like to use the Pod in a live situation where other devices (2xKaoss Pad 3) are tempo-synced with a Macbook Pro.
Is the Pod 2.0 really that old to not support this? Thanks for any help and again: I really did look for this specific question but did not find any conclusive answer.