I am extremely frustrated with this. It's so f*ckin sad when I'm playing at a gig and bam the volume goes down from nowhere. When I'm practicing at home it isn't any different, I'm playing and suddenly the volume lowers by itself. I've already reinstalled the firmware, I've done a factory reset, I've done this: "1-first I have to recommend u to update ur pod hd300 flash memory firmware to version 2 , if it is already re-install it , wont hurt
2-2nd What ur experiencing might be the act of The pod hd300 sound normalizer , which means ur channel is too loud and it reduces the volume to prevent amp overloads , so the solution is decreasing ur channel volume and increasing the overall (output) volume from the back of ur HD300 , this way u can both have a loud and un-normalized sound which is cool right" I've also tried this: ""Try this, rotate all your pots fully a dozen times, do this every now and then to keep them clear of any muck that might be getting in there. You will also notice that there is like a null area on each pot near zero and 100 percent. Once you have your settings assigned to your patches and don't need to make any adjustments while playing, you can "park" the knobs in that null area where they won't deliver a value change due to vibration."" I have tried using different sources (my amp, my friends amp, my headphones), different settings (studio/live, amp/line)
I've tried different cables, nothing works. Please, help me!!