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HD500x - Variax VDI plug crackling


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Hi everyone!



I've just bought a HD500x and faced a connection trouble with my Variax (JTV-59):


- If I plug the Variax into the POD with a brand new VDI cable, I obtain a discontinuous and crackling signal. I've obtained the same result by removing the Variax battery and, judging by the luminous knob on the Variax (for guitar model selection), it seems that the power supply from the POD to the Variax through the VDI cable is not continuous as well, since the light is blinking each time a sound is emitted.


- If I plug the Variax into the POD with a standard ethernet cable, it works very well without any crackling or discontinuous sound.


- If I plug the Variax into my other pedalboard Firehawk FX with the same VDI cable, it works very well too, without any crackling or discontinuous sound.


- If I plug the Variax with a standard jack cable into the POD, it works fine as well.


Then, I don't really understand what is going wrong, since the VDI cable seems OK, the VDI port on the POD HD500x seems OK, and the Variax seems OK.



Has anybody already faced this problem? Would there be a solution please?


Thank you in advance for your help!

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Thank you for your response!


Good to see that I am not the only one to have faced this trouble, but it does not explain why a brand new VDI cable whom purpose is dedicated to that does not work...


I am not really keen on using a standard ethernet cable because the plugs are very less resistant to bending and pulling (especially at the guitar plug), and the flexible is less designed to withstand pressure when walking on it.


I fear to break the plugs when rocking during gigs or rehearsals, and I do not want either to petrify when playing ^^


Moreover, the cost of the brand new cable VDI is high enough to make me sad if I decide not to use it...


Then, there is no way to fix the problem by keeping the VDI cable?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you!


I've tried to disassemble the Neutrik connectors (to have the same kind of connection as with a single Ethernet cable), to be sure that they were not preventing the RJ45 connectors from plugging correctlY. Unfortunately, this has not fixed the trouble.


I think then there is a incompatibility between my VDI cable and POD HD500x, because a standard Ethernet cable works well.

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