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Helix Editor improvements


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HI all folks, Helix is a great products, it is very versatile for every ears.

But i this that there are some improvements on editor that will increase the productivity. It will be useful if editor will permit to save the configuration of effect (stomp, amply etc.) this because if i want to create a new sound porting the setting of an amp from another i need to duplicate that preset and work on it. Obviously if i can save configuration per stomp, creating a new preset i will need only to import the setting for a determinate stomp.

this feature will be very useful when one is building his sound.

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The editor can already do this. In a preset where you have the stomp set to your liking you just need to right click on the stomp and select "Save block". Then go to your new preset and right click on an empty block and select "Paste block".


Thanks you,

i have lost this features reading the manual. thank you.

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Set up a patch with your fave peddles and amp and there settings. You can then copy and paste them in to other patches till your hearts content. This is how I do it.


You could take this a step further by assigning the blocks to a switch and label the scribble strip to help identify what you had in mind for this block. Even more, categorize dedicated presets for this purpose. For example, modulations, reverbs, amps, etc. But I have to wonder if at some point Line 6 might be adding a real block profile feature.

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