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Helix issues with dry signal


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I recently purchased a Helix demo unit from Sweetwater. The unit came looking new and with all updates performed.


My issue is:


No matter how I hook this up, 4 cable method (my M13 works flawlessly using this), straight into the front of the amp etc, there is an unprocessed dry guitar signal on every effect. I've edited the blocks to vary wet/dry, level etc. yet nothing removes this underlying dry signal.


Is there any help, advice, fixes for such a thing or is it possible I have a defective unit?


I've factory reset this and still have this issue.


Any help is greatly appreciated as I still have a 3 week window to return.




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Upload your patches so someone can take a look, might be an overlooked routing issue. Do you mean dry as in not being effected by the preamp of the amp you have it hooked up to?


No, dry as in there is an unprocessed guitar along with whatever effect is selected. No matter how I set the effects settings (level, wet), there is always a adjoining guitar signal that's unprocessed.


Even if I start with a clean slate, add one series effect and cable as such <guitar - Helix input - Helix output - front of amp>, I get two guitar signals. One processed by said effect and one without processing at all.

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Try setting the output at the end of Path A to the Input of Path B. I think that maybe you're sending the input signal down both paths and then using the L/Mono output is combining both paths. Please feel free to upload a patch, though, as it is helpful.


Currently at work so no access to the unit. If needed, I will do this this evening.


No sure what you mean by "both paths"... isn't my config as described above a single path?


And thank you and everyone for your input

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Yes, it is, however Helix has two separate DSP paths (the two lines for effects on the display) and its possible to have them both process the incoming signal in entirely different manners, then output one to the left channel and one to the right channel, or both out both channels. Or you can run the output of path A into the input of Path B for one long continuous chain. If its set so path A and Path B have the guitar (or multi) set as the input, its possible that one whole path is passing the dry signal to the outputs, and by using the L/Mono out, both would be summed to mono, giving you your effect on path A mixed with the dry Path B at the output.

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Yes, it is, however Helix has two separate DSP paths (the two lines for effects on the display) and its possible to have them both process the incoming signal in entirely different manners, then output one to the left channel and one to the right channel, or both out both channels. Or you can run the output of path A into the input of Path B for one long continuous chain. If its set so path A and Path B have the guitar (or multi) set as the input, its possible that one whole path is passing the dry signal to the outputs, and by using the L/Mono out, both would be summed to mono, giving you your effect on path A mixed with the dry Path B at the output.


Gotcha... will try this as soon as I get home. May even have to leave early! Thanks again and will post results.

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Good advice. And I think you mean the input block to path 2.


Sometimes new users put assign an input there. But there are times to use parallel processing, just not a normal - all effects in series - thing to do.

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