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'un' assigning what my Helix exp pedal does when i press it down


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So ive made up a bunch of snapshots that i use on just one preset,it has my rhythm lead clean sound etc but when i press down expression pedal my wah turns on and so does various other do i change this?


i need just my wah on,if i go onto the blocks that are also engaging that i dont want to i cant seem to find anything that shows the exp pedal is assgined to it.


Also alot of my blocks are set up to be controlled by snapshots i.e. different delay times etc ,does this have any affect on my problem?




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So ive made up a bunch of snapshots that i use on just one preset,it has my rhythm lead clean sound etc but when i press down expression pedal my wah turns on and so does various other do i change this?


i need just my wah on,if i go onto the blocks that are also engaging that i dont want to i cant seem to find anything that shows the exp pedal is assgined to it.


Also alot of my blocks are set up to be controlled by snapshots i.e. different delay times etc ,does this have any affect on my problem?



Sounds like you have wah auto engage turned on. You probably want to turn auto engage off if you are just going to turn on/off the wah block with a snap or stomp. 

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im not running the latest version (am waiting for bugs to be riddled out) so i dont have auto engage on the pedal.


basically whats happening is this.


i have my signal chain set up with different routing to different amp blocks etc and what i do is have all the blocks i need in the chain and engage which ones i need for what snapshot want by storing them on that snapshot.

something i do is add gain block to various routes to stop certain audio going to the output,these are either engaged or controlled by each individual snaphot,i dont want these engaging when i hit the toe pedal.


so all my snapshots are set up,all the correct blocks engaged when i select either snapshot,however on my lead sound if i press on the toe switch for my wah not only does the wah engage but so does certain gain blocks,a harmoniser block and others.


i have never set these blocks to engage by pressing the toe switch so i need to un assign them some how.



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Helix defaults the on board expression pedal to EXP2. When you engage the toe switch, it switches to EXP1. Any pedal that you have assigned to EXP1 will change when you are moving the pedal while it is on EXP1. You must have somehow assigned EXP1 to some parameters on those other blocks. 

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