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HX Effects Wish list


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After using the HX effects for a while I've realised there are quite a few things that I'd love to see added to the device. I'm hoping none of these would count as asking too much of the hardware as obviously the HX is a lower cost item than the helix and hence any expectations should reflect that. All these ideas and more have been posted at the Line 6 Ideascale website where there take notice of suggestions, please follow the links to register and vote on these and other ideas.


1. Allow a 6 snapshot view
It would be so useful to have more than four snapshots for some songs so why not have a '6 snapshot' view option in the same way as there's a 6 preset view? As to how to navigate after removing the UP/DOWN buttons please see point 2.

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2. Change the snapshot mode buttons
Having to press the UP and DOWN buttons at the same time to navigate in and out of snapshot mode and then use the Mode button to switch between snapshots and stomp modes is really clunky and unintuitive. It would be so much easier if the mode button simply toggled between all three views (Presets / Snapshots / Stomp). 

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3. Rise and Fall times on Footswitch effect controls 
Its great that you can define parameter changes to be controlled by a standard switch, pitch shifting for example is good as you can press a switch and have the note shift accordingly with a momentary function. This however would be so much more powerful if you could define a rise and fall time so that when you press the switch it takes the defined time to reach full effect and then a defined time to fall again when released.

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4. Reset Snapshots with a 2nd press
I really enjoy having the snapshots set so that any changes made stay active whilst remaining in that preset. It would be nice however to be able to revert to the saved settings when required. This could be done by pressing the current snapshot button again once it's already active.

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5. Grouped switches
It would be great to be able to define specific switches as a group so that when one switch in that group is enabled, the others are disabled. One example of this is controlling a 3 or 4 channel amp in stomp view.  At the moment you have to define an on/off switch for each of the channels on the amp and then switch one off before turning the next on. The ability to set a group parameter for each switch would solve this. For instance if switches 1 - 4 were all set to (Group 1) then pressing any of the switches in the group would switch off the other three. You could even have multiple groups if required.

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6. Add a 'neither' option to Instant Message Ext Amp commands.
At present it's possible to send three states to each of the Ext Amp output jacks via instant messages, Tip, Ring, or Tip + Ring. There is however no way to send neither tip nor ring meaning that one of the control options is not possible.  (note, this can be achieved by defining two switches to do the same function so it is possible in the hardware).

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What about you, any suggestions? If you agree on any points please leave a comment.

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I agree with the 6 snapshot view, it would be perfect to change presets in the preset mode, and then the unit automaticaly change to a similar stompobox mode view but instead having 6 snapshot views of a preset. This would be great. I think that this is a software issue that line 6 can solve it.



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One of the things software modeling can't replicate from components is a Leslie rotating speaker... and, sorry to say, it shows in the results: my least favorite sound in the box is the three rotary speaker effects. And I want that sound. Could you model a Hughes Kettner Rotosphere for the HX? Even the Boss RT-20 Rotary Ensemble did a better job of fake Leslie (it just wicked off pick attack when it was turned off, not a problem I imagine occurring within the HX) 

Another thought, the HX's Tube Drivers (new and legacy) are really good, just not exactly as I remember my old washing machine, and then I see "Chandler Tube Driver" listed as the effect. Are you modeling from a Chandler or a BK Butler unit? (Butler is way better, if you believe it's unnecessary because it's "too close" use one of the new modified bias control models; call it "Tube Driver Mod" or "Valet" or whatever) But, yeah, seriously model a Butler and not a Chandler unit of Tube Driver. (Boring personal story, I had the idea to switch everything from pedals to rack gear to control under my Midi footpedal back in the day. I sold my Butler Tube Driver, because I could get this thing that looked just like my box in a rack case, the Chandler Tube Driver rack... if the Chandler pedal version was not as good as the BK, the rack version was completely worthless. Stupidest gear decision I ever made.) 

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On 18/03/2018 at 3:37 PM, em07189 said:

I agree with the 6 snapshot view, it would be perfect to change presets in the preset mode, and then the unit automaticaly change to a similar stompobox mode view but instead having 6 snapshot views of a preset. This would be great. I think that this is a software issue that line 6 can solve it.

Couldn't agree more. It's great using the preset view to select presets, but then having to try and press UP and Down at the same time to get back to snapshots is a horrible UI design. If it jumped to Snapshot view after selecting a Preset it would be great (obviously as an option for those who don't use snapshots), but even if it was manual so you just press Mode ofter choosing a preset to go to snapshot view and then Mode again to go to Stomp view it would be great. Having any view you need only 2 presses away on the mode switch would be a lot more intuitive than the horrible 2 button balancing act.

The down side of course would be that if you were in snapshot view and pressed Mode to go to stop view, you would need to press mode twice to get back to snapshot view. Thats probably why they used the two button thing. I'd prefer just to press it twice personally.

Another option would be to just hold down the mode button to return to preset view.

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Pauljoy, in the manual it says that there is a option to automatically go to stomp box view after selecting a preset. 

It would be great that line6 could do this but with snapshots after selecting a preset. 

I have read other post that says:

"The best place to post feature requests is on 

On ideascale end users can post and vote on feature requests, and Line 6 product managers do check out ideascale." 

I think that we could make some pressure in the line6 product managers with all the other users that really want this option in this site. 


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38 minutes ago, em07189 said:

"The best place to post feature requests is on 

I've been there and some of these ideas are already suggested so I've given my support and made some additional suggestions. Please go there, sign up and promote these ideas of you would like to see them considered. Many thanks for the link.

Edit: I've added links to each suggestion in the original post.

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