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HD500X patch levels all over the place


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I just picked up a Pod HD500X and patch levels are all over the place.

Some patches work  only with my Variax 500, some work with both the 500 and my Strat but usually the output volume for the Strat is much lower than the variax.

Before I started I reset the HD, updated all soft and firmware on both the HD and my computer.

I've set input 1 to guitar and auto for impedance and input 2 for Variax.

I'd like to set the HD500X so it's output from all patches are similar in volume (I understand that bringing in a compressor, eq, or other modifier bight boost or cut some levels) I'm just looking for a starting point for each patch.

I'd also like to match the levels going into the HD500X from the Varian to my Strat.

How is everyone else doing it without bending down every patch change to adjust either output volume and or master volume?

Any guidance would be most helpful.



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Never touch the master volume. Set it and forget it. 


If you are talking about different guitars on one patch, you are talking about input volumes. If you are talking about different patches with one guitar, you are talking about output volumes. 



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A starting point is going to be first understanding.... 


A 1960 Vox AC-15 is not going to have the same volume as a 2001 Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier Solo.

The models reflect that. 


Also, low output single coils are not going to have the same volume as a bare knuckle nailbomb. 

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Thanks for all the responces. pointed out I guess what I'm referring to is different input volume levels.

On some patches using the guitar input the patch is either extremely low or (for the sake of argument) normal.

Some Variax could also be low or normal. (is there some page I'm missing that switches patches to variax only or guitar only? 

I've had many different guitar processors (Line 6 XT Live, Roland VG99 and others) and while there is some difference in input volumes there's always some way to level the playing field so to say.

I'm looking to say go to patch 1A, plug in my Strat and have it be X level. Disconnect and then plug in my Variax 500 and it be nearly the same or at least have some way of "normalizing the input gain structure.

I will try the input 1 to Guit-Var-Aux and input2 to AUX method but 


I guess the only other issue I have is using the editor Varix alway defaults to Tyler. Is there a global setting to set all patches to Variax, 300, 500, 700?


Best to all,



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The short answer is that there’s no way around that issue.  That’s just the nature of what we do.  Different guitars (and pickups within the same guitar if you customize) all have different outputs. And that same rule applies to everything within your signal chain, as well as, any and all environmental interference.  That’s why bands have a huge mixing desk in the perfect acoustical spot and perform a sound check for every gig, even if they’re playing the same venue several nights in a row.  The environmental conditions are never the same.  We all deal with those issues in our home studios and at our gigs, just on a smaller level.  If you have good base levels in your signal chains the amount of tweaking you have to do should be minimal. And of course how you tweak and what you tweak will be different depending on whether you’re setting up to record and how you record, or if you’re going to play live.

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