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Native blank in Cubase... help!


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Hi everyone,


my Native Plugin starts up blank (see attached screenshot). Running in Cubase 9 and running out of ideas. Tried all i could think of.


Do you guys have any more suggestions?


Cheers and thanks in advance.


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19 hours ago, Abjatar said:

Do you guys have any more suggestions?


Hi Abjatar,


I am guessing that this is Cubase 9 on a Windows machine, as the only mention of this “blank screen” is with Windows computers.


What I discovered is that it could be something to do with the graphics driver.


In fact this is the quote I found.


Known graphics card issue, update drivers and reinstall .NET framework”


Hope this helps / makes sense



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I also get this with Studio One, and I also assume it's graphics related. However, it doesn't happen all the time. Lately I've been trying to figure out what conditions cause the problem not to happen. It seems that if I drag Helix Native on to a track that already contains audio, then it works. At least that's what has happened the last several times I tried it. I'll report back if either this isn't the answer, or if I go several more time and it continues to work. Fingers crossed...

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  • 2 weeks later...

hm. interesting. with the installation of the new 1.81 it worked once. after restarting cubase it didn't anymore, back to blank stare. tried reinstalling .Net Frameworks as well as Native and my Graphics drivers are up to date as well...


it doesn't matter if there is audio on the track or not.

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