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Effect ON for all snapshots but only need current snap


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Hi I'm curious if there's a different way to do this.  On my presents I usually have all the snapshots setup to turn off/on various multi effects.  SO when I add a block, the new effect is ON for all snapshots but when I add the block, I would prefer it to always be OFF first and then I only need to engage it for whichever snapshot I want it to be ON.  Right now it's ON for all them so I have to goto each on and turn it off, bit of a pain.

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Yes, there is another way to do it. A few updates ago, Line 6 added the "Snapshot Bypass" parameter for each block. It controls whether or not a block is turned on and off by snapshots or not. That can help here. Here are the steps:


1. Insert block as you normally would.

2. After inserting the block, hit the Action button and set the Snapshot Bypass parameter to Off (you can do this in HX Edit by right click on the block and going Snapshot Bypass in the menu that pops up).

3. Now bypass the block.

4. Hit Action again and set the Snapshot Bypass parameter back to On.

5. Turn the block back on.


Now the block will be turned on only in the current snapshot. When you go to other snapshots, it will be bypassed.

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