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Helix lt to logic pro x issue


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Hey everyone, Im knew to the the helix community.. finally upgrading from the 11rack. 

I am having difficulty getting my helix set up in logic pro x, what I am trying to do is use the helix as my interface and input source for guitar, but maintain the built in output on my mac, as my monitor speakers go through this. Currently my set up is as follows:
guitar in  -  helix -  helix usb -  mac 
I am unable to get even input signal on logic, i have the drivers installed, helix selected as being input and built in output selected as output. I am getting guitar signal on the helix, just not any further. These settings worked perfect with my 11rack, and I've been unable to find a video or anything to help me out lol. Any help is appreciated!! 

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Be sure to follow the section on "USB Audio" in the manual.

In Logic, on a stereo audio track, enable USB 1/2 as input for recording wet Helix output (Path A)

- and/or enable USB 5/6 for dry input (Helix in L/R), or use a mono audio track to just record mono USB 5 guitar input


If those USB inputs aren't showing up in Logic, check Audio MIDI Setup and see if your Mac is connecting to Helix OK. Should be...


For monitoring/output, there are other steps involved, but let's make sure you are getting input first.

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On 4/13/2021 at 10:02 PM, bdevoe said:

I am unable to get even input signal on logic, i have the drivers installed, helix selected as being input and built in output selected as output. I am getting guitar signal on the helix, just not any further. These settings worked perfect with my 11rack, and I've been unable to find a video or anything to help me out lol. Any help is appreciated!! 



Follow the instructions given by “soundog” in the post above, but as you are using a Helix LT,  USB 7 will be the default setting for sending the dry unaffected guitar signal to Logic. IIRC, USB 5/6 is default for the HX Stomp.

Also, please ensure that your Helix LT is selected as the audio in/out device in the preferences in Logic Pro X. You can use the Apple Audio/MIDI setup utility app to see everything is hooked up correctly.


Hope this helps/makes sense. 

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As datacommando already stated, goto Logic Pro --> Preferences... --> Audio... and set the Input Device to Helix. Output to whatever you prefer.


Not sure if you know, but you can also create "Aggregate Devices" with Audio MIDI Setup (click on the "+" sign in the left bottom corner of the Audio Devices of Audio MIDI Setup. You can search for Mac Aggregate Device on youtube if you can't figure it out.



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