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Pod Go 1.3 update firmware bug


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I installed Pod Go Edit V1.3, rebooted my Windows 10 machine, connected it to my Pod Go, which has version 1.2 firmware installed, and it said "New firmware is available". I clicked OK for it to download and install the new firmware. The next step was to create a mandatory backup, which I want to do because I have quite a few personal presets and impulse responses. It went to the Pod Go backup dialog. I pressed OK to make the backup, and I get, "Backup dialog failed to load. Click OK to retry". I clicked OK repeatedly with no change.


So I thought, "Maybe people installed firmware 1.3 from Pod Go Edit 1.2, then installed Pod Go Edit 1.3 afterwards". So I reinstalled Pod Go Edit 1.2. Still no backup, same message.


I am stuck. I would very much like to install firmware 1.3 but it is impossible. Please help!

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Mine said there were updates to 1.3.  I updated what was shown first (the pod go software.  Then did the firmware download.  The download said it was finished, but the Pod Go said "Updating" for about 2hrs.  now it powers up with a blank bean and never works.  Glad I'm within the return window.


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4 hours ago, amflemi said:

Mine said there were updates to 1.3.  I updated what was shown first (the pod go software.  Then did the firmware download.  The download said it was finished, but the Pod Go said "Updating" for about 2hrs.  now it powers up with a blank bean and never works.  Glad I'm within the return window.


Just power the unit down and try updating again. If you’re still having issues, try sending the update with Line 6 Updater instead of POD Go Edit.

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Hey all, 


Recently updated my POD Go to 1.30.  Now I have about half the amps and effects greyed out in the POD Go Edit software and are unselectable.  If I clear all presets that goes away.  Anyone experience this or have any guidance?

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4 hours ago, agcarver said:

Hey all, 


Recently updated my POD Go to 1.30.  Now I have about half the amps and effects greyed out in the POD Go Edit software and are unselectable.  If I clear all presets that goes away.  Anyone experience this or have any guidance?

If they’re greyed out, that just means there’s not enough DSP left in that particular preset to load them in that slot.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had this same issue and found the solution! You don't have to go through installing the Line 6 Updater software.


The issue is Windows 10 Ransomware Protection, specifically the Controlled Folder Access feature. You will need to allow the Line 6 Pod Go Edit software through that protected folder access and then it will be able to access your "Documents" folder, which is where the software seems to be hard-coded to install the backup files. You can't point it to a different folder, it has to be your user "Documents" folder (which is an oversight on the dev's part, in my opinion).  It really should give you an error rather than not showing the modal popup at all...


Here's what you do to fix this:

  1. Close PodGo Edit if you have it open
  2. Open Windows settings, and in the search bar enter a search for "controlled folder access" 
  3. It will take you to a page for Ransomware protection with the Controlled Folder Access (likely set to 'on'). Click on the option here called "Allow an app through Controlled folder access"
  4. You'll see a page to allow an app through Controlled folder access. Click on the button that says "Add an allowed app"
  5. Look for Pod Go Edit from your recently blocked apps list, or click "Browse All Apps" and navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Line6\Pod Go Edit . Select that file and allow it to the controlled folder access.
  6. Close the settings folder and launch Pod Go Edit again. Now you should be able to create backups! The modal should pop up now and you're good to go through with the update as expected.


After that, just make sure you leave everything alone while it updates the firmware! 

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, I have some troubles with the new 1.3 update. After I did the update and backups when I turn on the Pod Go the display freezes on the home screen (where you usually see the first Pod version shape) so I can't access the various modes inside the machine like global settings or play mode ecc.  Also when I plug the usb cable the computer doesn't recognize Pod, so I'can't even reset to default firmware sistem. 

Does anyone know a method to reset the unit from outside or something like that ?

pod go freeze.jpg

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3 hours ago, hakimaster said:

Hi, I have some troubles with the new 1.3 update. After I did the update and backups when I turn on the Pod Go the display freezes on the home screen (where you usually see the first Pod version shape) so I can't access the various modes inside the machine like global settings or play mode ecc.  Also when I plug the usb cable the computer doesn't recognize Pod, so I'can't even reset to default firmware sistem. 

Does anyone know a method to reset the unit from outside or something like that ?

pod go freeze.jpg

Have you tried do the factory reset (holding down footswitches C & D while powering up)?

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Did you do the update via Pod Go Edit v1.30?  If not, load PG Edit v1.30, connect your PG and see if an update appears - if so, follow the instructions. 


Pod Go Edit v1.30 is available from the link here (make sure you choose the right version depending on your operating system)


If you can't update as above, try this: 





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