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Helix LT - Using the Helix as an FX board and MIDI switching my amp


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Hi all,


I'm having a struggle with the MIDI programming - I'm well aware it's probably something simple!


I want to use the Helix as a ground control to switch the channels on my amp but also select certain FX with the same button.


for instance;


Button A1 = Channel 3 on amp with Precision Drive on Helix

Button B1 = Channel 1 on amp with reverb, delay and chorus on Helix

Button C1 = Channel 2 on amp with delay and octave on Helix


etc etc



How do i program the MIDI Program Change AND have the fx running at the same time? I tried using Instant Commands in Command Centre and it switched the amp but the fx then didnt work!


Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!



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In order to help you with this, certain things need to be understood:


First - "Button" names. Helix "Buttons" are called Footswitches, abbreviated "FS" for our purposes here.

Second - How you use a FS depends on the MODE that you are in - Preset, Snapshot or Stomp.

Third - How you use Command Center to assign a MIDI message to a FS depends on the MIDI message - CC, Toggling CC, Bank/Program Change, NOTE, etc.

Fourth - How those messages are sent and how the FS interacts with your Helix Effects depends on whether you're sending on Preset Load, on Snapshot Change or on FS Press.

Fifth - how you do any of that depends on the SPECIFICS of the device being controlled.

Sixth - your personal preferences for how you like to do things in performance.


So, let's start with #5 - what amp (make AND model) are you attempting to control?

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Thanks for the insight!


it’s a Blackstar Series One 200. It uses Program Changes.


I’m currently using Preset mode as I only need 7 different tones throughout my

set and it’s handy to have all 7 in front of me the whole time.


Ideally I’d have the 7 tones across the first 7 of the 8 FS and activating each FS would change the FX and the amp channel with the same FS.



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When you load a preset, Helix sends:


The default PC#. When using PC#s to switch channels on an amp you want to turn this OFF.

Global Settings>MIDI/Tap>MIDI PC Send=OFF


Instant Commands. This is where you set the PC# that selects your amp channel. Use IC1. 

Helix sends MIDI Standard PC#s 0-127. Your amp responds to PC#s 1-128. Some MIDI implementations automatically translate - when PC#0 is received, it's translated to PC#1. You'll have to test to be sure what your amp does. 


Toggling CC - If you have a FS set to Toggle an Effect and you want the effect to be ON when you load the preset, SAVE the preset with that FS ON.


On 7/11/2022 at 7:58 AM, RevBeard said:

How do i program the MIDI Program Change AND have the fx running at the same time? I tried using Instant Commands in Command Centre and it switched the amp but the fx then didnt work!


I'm not sure why this would happen unless when you saved the preset you saved it with the effects FS OFF.

If your presets are as static as you indicated, then you don't need the FS Bypass assignments at all, and when you load the preset the FX will be in whatever state you saved them in. Keep in mind that when you use Instant Commands, they run automatically on preset load AND on Snapshot load. In the configuration you described (using ONLY preset mode), when you change presets you're UNLOADING the current preset and LOADING a new one. If the FX are OFF in the new preset...


One of the advantages to using Snapshots instead of Presets is that you can change EVERYTHING at once (except FX types/models) WITHOUT unloading/loading entire presets. If you use the same FX in all of your Presets, Snapshots might be the better way to go. Since the Instant Commands are sent with every Snapshot change, you can change the amp channels as well as the FX Bypass states and parameter settings. Most Helix users use a combination of Presets and Snapshots for maximum flexibility, and since in Stomp Mode you can combine Preset, Snapshot and Bypass footswitches, there's a lot of possibilities.



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