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Trouble talking to Voodoo Labs Control Switcher


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This is turning out to be a lot harder than I assumed.


I bought a Voodoo Labs Control Switcher to toggle my amp channels and boost switch.


The buttons on the Voodoo Labs device work, but I can't seem to get the Helix to speak to it.


Does anyone have a preset I could play around with that controls this thing via snapshots?  I think I need to be sending message 80 out of the Helix but its not doing anything.  Hard to trouble shoot a device that doesn't give much feedback (the Control Switcher).

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You need to make sure that the Control Switcher is set to the same MIDI channel as the Helix, or that the CommandCenter command is sending on whatever channel the Control Switcher is set to. You also need to tell the Control Switcher to use CC#s. Instructions for both begin on Page 8 of the manual.

I can't describe the procedures any better than the manual does.


Attached is a demo preset showing how to switch channels via Snapshots.


MIDI Channel is set to BASE which is, by default, MIDI Channel 1. The Control Switcher defaults to MIDI Channel 1 also, but check.

Check Global Settings to see what your device (HXS, XL, FX, Floor, Rack - you didn't specify that) is set to.

AFAICT the CC VALUE doesn't matter, so I've left it at the default of 0. You can try changing that to 127 if all else fails.

Since you didn't specify what amp you have, I can't tell you how to set the Control Switcher "Switch Function".

This is VERY important and might possibly cause damage to the amp if set wrong.

Check your amp's manual or contact the mfr's support team to be sure.

miami vice.hlx

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