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Hello everyone. I just installed the latest version (3.7). I followed all the instructions carefully, as I have been doing in successive upgrades. This time, and after reinstalling my presets, I see that their names do not appear (!). instead it appears as an empty slot (!!). When I click on that slot, the whole set appears, but not their name in the list. I also have problems to make a new string. It's as if the DSP is full and won't let me install effects that I normally installed before the update.

What should I do? Reinstall everything again? Try to load all my effect chains again?


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Symptoms like this usually indicate that different versions of Helix firmware and HX Edit are being used. Check the versions of each using HX Edit, the About… menu item. Sometimes a new installation of HX Edit fails to replace the previous version. There can be different reasons for this which can be explored next. First, determine whether or not different versions are being used.

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First I am suggesting that you identify the versions of both Helix firmware and HX Edit that are running. Don’t assume that because you installed HX Edit v3.70 that it is necessarily the version that is actually running when you start the program. Weird things happen. Open the HX Edit program, select the Help -> About menu, and check the versions of each that are identified. Let us know the result and we can advise further from there.

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