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Update 2,92 - 3,70 sound problem


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Hello experts,



I updated from 2,92 to 3,70 .

Before that i made  a backup.

Once 3,70 was installed i made a factory reset , then loaded back my user presets form the previous backup.


When restoring data from a backup, HXedit (3.7) i have the following options:

- Settings

- Impulse Data

- Presets


I choosed settings and presets, not Impule Data because i am not shure if this would  mess up the new impulses from 3,70.


Now my presets seem not to sound right, important presets seem much more sensitive and the guitar seems to sound distorted

easier when playing it. Global input settings are set to "auto". Guitar hasent changed. Unfortunately i cant go back and compare.


Now my questions,

1 - can anyone confirm this ?

2 - is this perhaps intended ?

3- Do i need to tick "impulse data" too when restoring presets from a backup ?


any hints appreciated !




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Try restoring your IRs (impulses) from your backup. There are no factory supplied IRs. The factory reset will have deleted any that were previously installed. This is only applicable if you use IRs, of course.

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Thanks for the hint, ill try this immediately.


Let me aks another question:

Did the Helix Software recently underwent any changes in concern of "improved" sound clarity or something ?

My patches sound rather like behringer then Line6 now hsss psss hfff. .. Ok ill try you suggestion first :-)


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... just restored the impulses as well. Hard to tell if all thats only in my head, but i have the feeling that my pathes are slightly more

velocity sensitive as before. The behringer effect seems to be less noticable now.



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Yes. Firmware v3.50 completely overhauled the cab engine implementation. But this should not be apparent until you apply the new cabs in a preset. Simply updating the firmware and restoring the earlier presets will not change any of them to the new cabs.

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