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How to emulate Helix Floor expression pedal in Helix Native?


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I have used Helix Floor for many years. I have habitually used expression pedal assignments to control amp parameters. As I push from heel to toe, gain increases, Channel volume decreases to compensate, and EQ and Presence etc also change. I have never liked using snapshots for gain level adjustments, and I utilise snapshots for other purposes.

I have just taken advantage of a cheap deal for Helix Native and got it working in Cubase.  I imported all my Helix Floor presets and, obviously with there being no expression pedal, all the expression pedal assignments have vanished. All my presets sound very clean, so I assume Helix Native has imported the "heel down" values for everything!

I have minimal experience with DAW's, and zero with plugins. Are there ways to emulate the Helix Floor expression pedal assignments and behaviour in Helix Native? 

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Thank you Silverhead.  I had a feeling it wouldn't be simple, and would involve MIDI.  I don't really record anything - Helix Native would just be an alternative to setting up the hardware for playing.  Presumably I could acquire and use a MIDI controller of some sort, and adapt all the assignments in every preset, but it really isn't worth it for me.  If I could (for instance) just map the expression assignments to the > and < keys on the computer keyboard, then it might be worthwhile. Thanks for helping.

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You don’t need a separate midi controller- your Helix Floor will do the job. And you don’t need to adapt presets. Your current Helix Floor presets, imported into Helix Native, should respond to the Helix expression pedal once you’ve configured Cubase to recognize the Helix Native plug-in to receive midi. 

Since you only want to have your Helix Floor expression pedal to control Helix Native it’s fairly simple:

  • Enable MIDI in all components.

    • Global Settings in Helix Floor

    • Assign Helix Floor as MIDI IN device in Cubase

    • Enable MIDI IN for Helix Native plugin in Cubase

Once this has been done Helix Native should respond automatically to expression pedal movements on your Helix Floor device. 

Give this a try and let me know if it works. 


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