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Are Line 6 parts available?


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I'm here in Cleveland, Ohio and pretty much do my own electronics work. On all of my Line 6 gear, are all out of warranty and i was just wondering if Line 6 would sell parts to the public? 

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What I really need is the selecter switch for my Spider V 120, and was wondering if anyone would know where I could locate one. Some how it got hit and half-way came apart, and I already have put it back together once, but its time for me to get a new one and desolder it off the board and resolder a new one on.

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To the best of my knowledge - L6 does not sell parts to consumers. 


But parts are available from various outlets across the web.




Also, what many of us have done (and I am sure you have at one point or another).... 

Because of the age of some devices, you can find many "free, you haul" items to use as parts. 

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