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Wow and flutter - not Retro Reel


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Hey folks - I'm a big fan of Retro reel for adding movement and 'colour' to a tone, but is there another effect that does wow and flutter (where the pitch goes up and down) without adding any distortion elements? (I know you can turn down the saturation and texture in rero reel but this doesn't remove it).


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Overdrive is a function of input level - if you keep the signal going into the Retro Reel low you should be fine.


Try the Legacy->Jet Flanger with 0% Feedback, 100% Manual, 100% Depth, 0.1 Hz Speed, 50% Mix as a starting point. It is pretty awesome for a subtle lush something extra. Play with Feedback and Mix and be aware: it's addictive.

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On 6/14/2024 at 12:44 PM, thirdspace said:

Sounds interesting - where do I find this - is it a delay?

It's in the delays section on the Helix.

A while ago, I wrote presets that emulate the sound of a guitarist famous for using multitap echoes and an AC30 ;)

I'd done this on other units over the past 15 years, anyway, a friend of mine wanted a set of patches for his POD Go. He'd used my patches before on his Zoom G3.

I'd found I got the best results on the Helix by using multiple instances of the Simple Delay, with a parametric EQ in front...

This isn't possible on the POD Go, so I had to compromise and use the Multitap 4 - not enough control over the individual taps for my liking.

So, I used the Parametric EQ to get the pre-amp curves for the specific units 'the guitarist' used, then in to the Multitap 4 - in my case, the delay time was typically around 600ms, with the taps ranging upwards from 100ms. The HPF & LPF take care of replicating a psuedo tape decay sound.

I don't particularly like Wow & Flutter, but IIRC, I think I found setting the rate around 3-5 and depth around 3.0 gave me results that were 'authentic' to the requirements, but like I say, I don't really care for it.

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