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Ducking parameter in pod go does not work


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Hi everyone,


this ticket refers to the ducked delay in pod go.


I know that there has been a request similar to this one but the answer in the other request was not to change all paremters at once. But even if I only change one relvant parameter I cannot see any effect: 


When I put the ducking parameter in ducked delay to "0" there is no delay at all (delay time: 800ms) - instead of a delay that should have no damping or muting at all. When I put the ducking parameter to 100% I can hear a delay also while playing continously - although the delay is supposed to start, when I stop playing. I have watched some video tutorials on ducked delay for the Helix pedalboard and it worked fine in the video. But even when I take the same parameters I dont get the effect seen in the tuturial in my pod go. I tried with different attack and release times but still no ducking effect.    


Do you have the same experience with your pod go or did you manage to get a ducking effect in the pod go? If so: Do you have any hint for me to fix it?

If it is a bug: Is there any timeplan for a bugfix release that will also solve this problem?


Thanks a lot, Anil

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I was just playing with this effect myself. Do you happen to have a link to that Helix video? I do get a ducking effect, but....only kinda sorta. When I stop playing, it just abruptly disappears. Which I understand is the point of that when you stop, the delays duck out of the way. But it doesn't sound great. It sounds as if someone stepped on the delay pedal to turn if off in the middle of it doing its thing. 

Sorry, I know that wasn't much help, but hey....if nothing else, I am ALSO having issues with that effect. 

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