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Wha And Volume


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Does the volume increase higher than when you have the volume pedal at maximum, or are you just saying the volume increases because you have to move the pedal to toe position to hit the toe switch? If it the second thing, there's not really much you can do about it without getting an additional expression pedal or using an standalone volume pedal.

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I use the expression pedal as a volume and wha, wha (expo toe) in exp1 and volume in exp2. the problem is that when I push to turn on the wha, volume also increases, have any solution for this problem?

If you want to have a fixed volume for wha, e.g. rhythm level put a volume pedal in your chain with one level (e. g. 70 %) and deactivate while using exp1 as volume. Assign no exp-pedal.  Assign the toeswitch also to this volume fx. When you switch on the wha with the toeswitch the 2.volume will also be switched on and will lower the output. You can also use a compressor instead of the volume, but it will effect to the sound.

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I do not understand. I guess you mean, that you control the preamp level of the amp model by the expression pedal.

My idea will still work if you put volume-pedal effect in you effect chain, with a fixed lo volume an switch it together with the toe-switch, so it will only lower the volume. Assign the controller to "none" so it will not be changed by the EXP.

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