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MiroslavKloud last won the day on August 29 2015

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  1. Hi, I think that the image is sufficiently accurate. 1 and 3 - signal, 2 - GND.
  2. We have been waiting at least for such the response for so long. But still thank you.
  3. JTSC777, you're right. But this forum is no longer about to solve the problem by Line 6. This is a skeleton in the closet of management of the company. It's about their actual behavior towards a customers. LINE 6, you had two good possibilities for to behave: 1: Solve your problem Or 2: Explicate the reasons why this can not be solved and to offer some satisfaction. You have chosen the third way: lies and empty promises. I have still liked LINE 6 and I have great respect for the work of your engineers. But customer support is shameful. I believe that the problem will be solved, but not to your credit - the greater will be your ignominy.
  4. It is perfectly explanation. Missing only explanation of the mechanical causes. It is here: Or here:
  5. I repeat it again and again and I do not know, how else I able describe it. Plink has the mechanical origin. It occurs naturally in all strings, on any guitar, any bass, any piano... Sometimes more, sometimes less - there are many factors which affect it. But very essence is determined by physical laws. For most musical instruments this is not a problem. But piezo pickup is very sensitive to this type of vibration. In fact, the "plink" occur not only on the E6 string but also on A5 string. At the A5 string is it removed in eletronica. The same should happen also on the E6 string, but here it just does not work - ERROR. Some guitars have due to a mechanical reasons only hushed plink on the E6 - these do not have a problem. Otherwise, there is nothing that could save similarly, as it works well on the A5 string.
  6. Yes and no. It is a mechanical problem which exists on all guitars and on all strings, but differs in intensity. But we have the same problem, the differences are only in the intensity. Yes - Longitudinal Wave. But that does fix the problem on the A string. I tell again: Anyone can do this simple test. For this you need only three things: 1. An arbitrary guitar 2. Ball of your finger 3. Your ears The time since 0.40 till 0.52
  7. This is a mistake. The question is not: "Why doesn't the A string do it?" Because the A string also do it. So the question is: "Why the mechanical problem that proven to exist on the A string, doesn't affect on the output signal from the guitar?" In all the sound samples that I have heard, the problem is on the same frequency.
  8. An earlier anecdotal information from Line6 (from Yamaha): Slovak original text (you can use Google Translator): Perhaps the problem is insufficient memory in the guitar - therefore, they perhaps are not able to solve this problem.
  9. That is perhaps the reason why they do not want (not able) to solve our problem.
  10. My guitar was in the Line 6 service 11 weeks. The bridge and the piezo pickup were exchanged been previously.
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