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  1. Just downloaded the update myself! The link in the original email didn't work for me anymore but using the method @silverhead outlined in the thread was the ticket. Thanks again @craiganderton!
  2. Man, that's awesome to read. Thanks for sharing. I've been running 4CM for a long time with a bunch of amps but I've settled on a Peavey Delta Blues 15 and a Fender HRD III in stereo. The routing was a bit of a pain but I've got it sorted now. I may try straight to the poweramp with the new cabs soon after reading this though. You've piqued my interest.
  3. @craiganderton You keep giving me reasons to gush over you, dammit! Again, thanks for all you do for the guitar nerd community. I'll be downloading my update tonight! Cheers! T
  4. It should sound great provided your ok with all of your effects hitting the front of the amp. You should set the output to Instrument level in the global settings under ins/outs.
  5. Sounds to me like OP actually wants to change their output level to Instrument instead of Line to hit the front of the JTM at the same level their guitar or pedals would. OP - you can set the outputs to Instrument in the global settings under ins/outs.
  6. Mr. Anderton, Thanks for all the info your provide for Helix. I bought your Helix book and I enjoy it thoroughly. Tonight, I was listening to the Tone Talk podcast Mark Huzanski and Dave Friedman did with Bob Bradshaw a couple years ago and Bob mentioned he was inspired by your articles. In fact, there have been a few folks who have brought your books or articles up as one of their starting points. Including personal friends who build/mod/repair gear. I built a couple pedals a few years ago and really want to get into doing more. I was going to grab a couple of your books from Amazon but thought I'd ask if there was a way I could support you directly? Anyway, thanks a million for all the tips, tone and talent. You're a class act and a legend sir. Take care!
  7. I use my Floor exculsively in 4CM with a few amps and I love the versatility of running Helix Amp models with it. I pick the full amp model usually over the preamp. Sounds great. Most of the time I'm using the Minotaur with the Heir apparent or the Rams head muff into the front of my Fender HRD III. I say just use your LT and you'll be just had happy and your wallet will be a lot heavier.
  8. During Pandemic Gibson was offering free setup instructions over zoom with a tech. It was great. He helped me set up mexican Strat since my LP wasn't in need of anything. This service was free as well.
  9. I ordered an Axe I/O with AT5 Max and Tonex Max from them at the end of last week. I'm pretty excited to match my Koch Powertone II and see how it stacks up. I almost bought the Tonex Capture too but I already have a Torpedo Captor X and Axe I/O covers the reamp out. I actually wanted the AI/O to cover the pickup loading that's missing from the hardware using Helix Native. I thought it'd be interesting to try. Anyone have any mic recommendations? I currently have a Sennheiser E906.
  10. I bought a Helix floor in 2020, just as pandemic started. I sold it in 2021 after owning an AX8 and falling in love with Robben Ford's Dumble then buying a FM3. Here's why I sold the FM3 (I'm still on the list for an FM9 hesding into year two) and bought another Helix: Editing from the unit. I can be done with the Fractal but boy does it suck. It's very.. "utilitarian". My first real modeler was a Boss GT-8, before that, a Korg AX1 and a Korg 411fx. None of these units were easy to edit and took an understanding of parameters, I've also worked in IT for the last decade. I RTFM for everything. I knew I'd need the manual editing the fractal live. Once I have the amps/effects I want in a patch, i can edit standing up. F'ing brilliant! You can't even do that on the FM9. How do you sell a modeler for so much money and NOT have a Klon model?? I love the Minotaur more than I love the clones of Robben Ford's Dumble or Dweezil's Bassman. It's cool being able to change the type of diodes in a modeled pedal but i bet you dollars to donuts, the average player doesn't give a rat's left butt cheek. That includes me. That said, the drives were underwhelming in general. I think the Helix drives sound far better. I'm a very techy gear lollipop. I drooled for years at Fractal stuff and now that I can pretty much afford whatever I want, Line 6 makes something just as good and far better in the UI department. Realizing all this is anecdotal, I'll add that last Saturday I took the Helix to my friends house (he's a drummer and had been recording bands in his studio for years) for a small jam. I played his Squire Classic Vibe bass into Helix and a crown poweramp with a 2x10 cab. I dialed up the full Ampeg B15fn amp model and checked it with default settings. We were all so impressed with the 30 second tone that I used it the entire time. I changed nothing except the volume. I think that says quite a bit about the Helix right there. Really, the only way YOU will know is trying them for yourself.
  11. You should remove a screw and take it to the local hardware store and see if they can help. Another idea would be to reach out to Full Comcast since they sell Line 6 replacement parts.
  12. I jumped the gun and sold my Helix Floor last year after buying the FM3. While I loved a few things about the FM3, amp models mainly, I was so happy with the Helix that I sold the FM3 and acquired another Helix Floor. I spent a few years gigging a Boss GT8 and GT10 so I'm no stranger to learning a complicated interface, but I just couldn't enjoy anything about the FM3 interface. Every modeller I've had has noise issues running USB while using them in 4CM with my amps. With fractal, the editor feels like a necessity so i was always dealing with the noise. With Helix, HX Edit is just a bonus and can easily do everything on the fly without it. While i am a tinkerer by nature, i just don't give a rats lollipop about changing the diodes in an overdrive so all of those crazy details in the Fractal were lost on me. As far as sound, i think Helix is fantastic and about on par with Fractal at this point. It all boils down to what people think sounds best to them. As guitar players, we all win!
  13. I think we're past counseling. I asked her to go to inpatient treatment and she refused. I asked her to leave and give me space, she refused. I called her mother, she brought two crisis councilors, she remains in my home. No one seems to grasp that she cut herself bad enough to receive 26 stitches, in front of our four year old, to me, that makes her a danger to herself and others. I will likely need to remove her from the lease (if my landlord wants to do that), cut the utilities and wait for her to leave. I can't in good conscience keep my children In the same home with her. I feel for her and her sickness but I can't support her if she refuses to seek real help. I should clarify, we are not legally married nor does our state recognize common law marriage. I call her my wife since we've been together 10 years and have a child together. So legally, meh. This hurts a lot but i need her away for a while and I need to keep my kids in a routine. @pianoguyy Yikes man...
  14. I've had a few days to reflect on this and I'm definitely seeking help. I hope my wife will do the same. So far, she's kind of avoiding the topic. But that can't last. I'm planning to drop pur son somewhere tomorrow and talk to her. My managers are fantastic and helped with a lot of resources and I'm to take as much time as I need. I appreciate the kind words of support. Especially over the internet. I posted here because i really didn't know what else to do at the time.
  15. Hey Aaron! Thanks for the reply. I'm a Cubase 11 pro user myself! Been with Cubase since SX2! I do live in washington! In Vancouver just across the way river from Portland. I'd love to collaborate with you via interwebz if there's any interest? Maybe we could do a Zoom call and get to know each other? Take care! T
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