Without much knowledge, just fiddling around, I get very interesting and nice sounding clean and especially acoustic sounds out of my 240 head.
But although I irrationally defended the word all over the web, that the Spider V high gain sounds feel forced and sound digital, like a plugin, I have to give in and say I'm not satisfied so far aswell. I hoped the baby speakers are the reason for my dissatisfaction, but played in rehearsal over the PA left the results unchanged.
Now I'm flirting with the Helix, in hope it would be better. Pros use it, right? And it's thrice the price! So it's gotta be better.
Scratching the web's articles and video comparisons of the 4 big players (I suppose) Kemper, AxeFX and Biashead, all said the same for the Helix, just like with the Spider V; High Gains aren't as good as one wishes.
So, .. I'm thinking: but maybe the "not so great" Helix distortion sounds are still better than the Spider V's?
That brings me to the question:
Is the Helix even better than Spider V?
I'd love to get some insights on why I should pick a Helix over the new Spider V 240 head.
(So far only hard fact I have is a disadvantage: No relay g10 transmitter in the Helix)
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