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Everything posted by Beetlejuice69

  1. You saved me! Thank you so so much!! I did everything in the initial post from Rd2rk and the thing that was causing the issue seemed to be the wireless adapter. Disabled that bad boy and everything's working great.
  2. Was this ever solved? I'm having the exact same problem and it's killing me.
  3. New Helix Floor owner here. I LOVE it! I'm experimenting with using just the power amp section of my Mesa F-100 head (it's about 15 years old). The Setup: I can go guitar>helix>mesa head fx loop return. This bypasses ALL mesa controls except fx loop knob (which which ranges from 0 to 100). This setup has me using just the power amp part of the head. The Question: Should I treat the mesa fx loop knob as the "master volume knob" (and send max signal out of helix main out)...or should I set mesa fx loop knob to 100 and treat helix main out as "master volume"? FYI: The mesa fx loop is parallel and I'm sending instrument level signal to it, as it's designed to receive Thanks!
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