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ingen63 last won the day on July 15 2024

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    Zurich, Switzerland
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    classical guitar, accoustic guitar, blues and rock. Riding also a lot on my race bike.
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  1. here you go, Just open the excel and you can filter by amp
  2. thx a lot. worked and issue is solved!
  3. thx l will try this. Which of the button combination is the hard factory reset?
  4. forgot to mention that after each step I tried a backup, but failed
  5. I am on firmware 3.15 and cant update to 3.5 due to a failing update, Errorr -8212. I already tried the follwing things Exported all setlist Have overwritten all presets with empty presets in HX Edit Factory reset with button 10&11 Factory reset with button 9&10 Factory reset with button 5&12 but creating a backup still fails either at 17% or 100% during user model defaults I even tried to restored a backup from Dec 2020 created with v3.0, which worked, but creating a a backup afterwards again failed. any idea, what to do next?
  6. if you only want to use LUFS, I recommend It is available as plugin for Pro Logic X, but even better also standalone without any DAW. I used it to get my presets leveled, but honestly by ear is much better and easier.
  7. thx a lot! And sorry for not looking up the manual by myself! I didnt figure out, that there was a second page in the Gobal EQ, I only searched in the global settings
  8. is it possible to apply the global EQ only to one of the outputs. e.g the 1/4" and not on XLR. My FRFR needs a bit of Global EQ compared to Headphones or Studio Monitors. But I dont want to apply this corrections to the FoH.
  9. Only 2 advice and I am not a veteran at all: Stick to very few amps at the beginning. May be even only one or two, which you know from real live. When I started using the Helix I played around with too many amps and effects and got totally overwhelmed by all the possibilities. I ended up with a big mess. Check out Jason Sadites Channel on Youtube .
  10. I have a BlueAmps Mimic212 FRFR (, the bordeaux one in the pictures. It sounds amazing, but it weights 25kg. So I ordered a couple of weeks ago a Headrush FRFR-108. It is cheap, weights only 8kg, has 1000W and sounds really good for the price and weight. This is my am session monitor to go.
  11. 1) Matchless TM DC30 Channel 2 (Matchstick Ch2), a Vox on Steroids for anything with chime at the edge of breaking up 2) Fender® Deluxe Reverb® (US Deluxe Vibe) for Clean, Jazz and Blues Tones 3) MESA/Boogie® Mk IV (Cali iV) all 3 Channels depending if Clean, Texas Blues or even High Gain is needed 4) Marshall® Super Lead 100 (Brit Plexi Jump) for Hendrix like Tones 5) BE/HBE channel of the Friedman BE-100 (Placater Dirty) for classic rock tones sorry more then 3, but these are my favorites. One more advice focus one or two amps as a starting point, listen to the original may be on youtube. This helped me a lot to get a decent tone. At the beginning I was trying too many different amps at the same time. It ended in a mess and I was not happy with my tones. But after I focused on 1 or 2 amps, there was light at the end of tunnel and now I am really happy with my tones.
  12. cool tip as this will allow to adjust preset gains without using a DAW
  13. thx for detailed description. Btw I am not a pro, just an amateur trying to get some reasonable gain staging:) But I have a strong background in electrical engineering, so I understand some of the concepts :) I decided for myself to gain level my patches against a loudness meter with USB as it is not affected by the big volume knob. I will stay below -3db true peak to be on the save side. I will use your advise to set the volume knob at 12'o clock and set the desired volume ate the FRFR. If the FRFR is not loud enough. I can use the volume know to beef it up. Hint for Line 6: As long as the output meter doesn't define what it shows (True peak, average LUFS, etc) and has some units attached, it is not really useful. But if the output meter works in the digital space, which I could understand as it would be trivial to be implemented, then an explanation how it is related to the analog domain, would be ver
  14. Thx for that tip, if I need more power live I will give it a try
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