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aaron__aardvark last won the day on February 1 2022

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  1. OK, here are the answers; "Space Rocket to Mars" uses PodXT for all guitar amp modeling on guitar, and Helix is used for guitar amp modeling on all guitar parts of "Capable Designs".
  2. I put a new song in my music website called "Capable Designs" (it's the song on top); please tell me how you like the music and how it can be improved, and I will return the favor if you wish. Here is my link to that song: I have another song called "Space Rocket to Mars", that has received radio play; it is by far easiest to find at this direct link: One song uses Helix for guitar amp modeling, and the other song uses PodXT for guitar amp modeling. Can you tell which is which?
  3. OK, here are the answers: The rhythm guitar on the right, during the verse, is Audio Assault/Amp Locker. All other guitar uses Helix guitar amp modeling.
  4. I put a new song in my music website called "It Will Really Pay", it's the song on top. I used Helix and Audio Assault/Amp Locker guitar amp modeling; can you tell which is which? Please tell me how you like the song and how it can be improved. Here is my link:
  5. OK, here are the answers: there is Amplitube guitar amp modeling on the double-track palm-muted guitar on the beginning of the song. During the chorus, the guitar on the right has Amplitube guitar amp modeling. Otherwise, the rest of the guitar has Helix amp modeling.
  6. I put a new song in my music website called "We Should Adore"; it's the song on top. It has some guitar parts with Helix guitar amp modeling and some guitar parts with Amplitube guitar amp modeling. Can you tell which is which? Please tell me how you like the song, and how it can be improved. Here is my link:
  7. OK, here are the answers: all guitar parts have Helix guitar amp models except the rhythm guitar panned to the right during the chorus uses a Tonex guitar amp model.
  8. I just put a new song in my music website called "From This Fate", which is the song on top. Please tell me how you like the song and how it can be improved. Guitar parts are all done using Helix and Tonex; can you tell which is which? Here is my link:
  9. OK, here are the answers: the rhythm guitar on the right is Tonex, and all other guitar is from Helix.
  10. I put a new song in my music website called "It's Here to Stay". All guitar has either Helix or Tonex for guitar amp modeling; can you tell which guitar track is what? Please tell me how you like the song and how it can be improved, and I will return the favor (leave me link if you don't have a recent thread)! Here is my link, it's the song on top:
  11. OK, here are the answers: Helix is on the left, and Tonex is on the right for the double tracked rhythm guitars. The lead guitar uses Helix.
  12. I put a new song in my music website called "You Look Mighty Fine". Some guitar part(s) use Helix, and other part(s) use Tonex for guitar amp modeling on guitar. Can you tell which is which? Please tell me how you like the song and how it can be improved, and I will return the favor. The song is at the top of this link:
  13. OK, here are the answers: I used Tonex on the rhythm guitars, and Helix on the lead guitar.
  14. I came across a slap bass and drum recording on the internet called "Em Slap Bass" by MMMBass (he is from Japan). I thought his slap bass playing was really fantastic, and he agreed to let me add more to it. I added more drums, all guitar, vocals, keyboards, and some studio trickery. All guitar parts use either Helix or Tonex for amp modeling; can you tell which is which? Please tell me how you like it and how it can be improved. The resulting title is "Em Slap Bass-Go With The Flow", and is at the top of this link:
  15. OK, here are the answers: all guitar uses Amplitube amp models. All electric bass uses a Helix amp model and effects.
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