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  1. Hey guys! I'm running an X3 Live pedalboard when I'm playing live. I've done a little bit research already, but am a little confused. I'm trying setup changing my patches via MIDI from Ableton or Logic, preferably Ableton in a live situation. I've brought a USB MIDI cable (attached a picture), but not sure if I'm doing it wrong or even if I have the right sort of cable. Any help or tips would be really appreciated! Thanks
  2. Would it work if I back tracked and reinstalled the previous drivers? They seemed to be working fine on Maverick before I updated. Just in the middle of a project at the moment :/
  3. Recently just updated my iMac to Maverick and had a prompt to downloaded the latest driver through Line 6 Monkey. Now I get the following messages Error reads: Ignoring connection to POD X3 Live Device has incompatible driver installed. and POD X3 Library Error Tone Transfer Failed Reason: (Code 80009000C) MIDI device timed out waiting for a response. Ant help would be greatly appreciated :)
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