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rudomat last won the day on January 18 2021

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  1. ...and if yes...where can i download them...? thanks
  2. redundant PC...that's the words...thanks a lot!! ;-)
  3. this for shure...? many units reload it then...this would stop the spillover or trails, isn't it...? thanks
  4. hi, is it possible to tell the hx stomp to ignore an incoming midi PC command, if it's the same as the current one...? (to avoid losing spillover trails...) thanks
  5. has anybody had the same problem...? after powering up, the hx effects shows everything right...then, when i switch the first preset button, the light stops shining and the unit crashes...??? no sound can be switch does work... support told me to update the unit to version 3.50 via HX Edit 3.51, then perform a factory reset on the HX Effects, turn on HX Effects, wait for "Will reset Globals and restore stock Presets..." ...etc. actually those problems came after 3.5....but i did all that, everything seemed to work fine and now it crashed again...that's a real problem for me because i use the hx fx for switching my amp channels and other midi fx as well...(4CM) when that happens live i'm in real trouble...
  6. hi, is it possible on the LT to have the rear expression 2 jack controll my amps channels (via TRS cable) and have the onboard pedal control the wah (pedal1) and volume (pedal2)...? i try to achieve this...but as soon as i plug the TRS cable into the rear expr.2 jack, the onboard expression pedal won`t change between pedal1 and 2 via the toe switch....isn't that possible...? thanks!
  7. i'm not really confused...don't know why you say such things...and it's also not right, that this is everything in the manual...the only thing is, i wanted to have six different snapshots on one preset, but there are only i wanted to know whether i could achieve it to assign a switch to another preset and also assign special snapshots of this preset....don't know why this should be a strange wish...and for me that makes sense... what really doesn't make sense is that line6 gives us the possibility in pedal mode through command center to assign all six switches to snapshots, but the unit can only do would definitey make sense to have 6 snapshots here...
  8. question: can i achieve this? i'd like to recall preset#1 in preset mode, then change to pedal mode for the six switch option. there i'd like to program via command center that switch#1 recalls snapshot#1 with green colour led and the name "clean" and sends midi pc and cc data to external units.... switch#2 should always recall snapshot#2 (preset#1) in yellow colour sayin "clean+", plus midi data... switch#3 to recall snapshot#3 in light orange "crunch"... "crunch+"... switch#5 needs to switch to preset#2 and snapshot#1, since i only have 4 snapshots, saying "lead" in purple... and switch #6 to preset#2/snapshot#2, etc... is that possible...? can i tell switch#1 to recall preset#1/snapshot#3, and the switch#2 to recall preset#2/snapshot#1...or so...? thanks a lot!
  9. question: i'm using the pedal mode und in command center program everyone of the six switches to switch presets...i've copied the same commands to all six of the presets...can't i customize the colours that way...??? thanks, rudi
  10. thank you...i've had another idea last night...what if i use the stomp for pre fx and the hx fx in my amps fx loop...i could still use the hx fx as a midi controler and the post fx are always on ...everyone of the six switches could either send the midi message to analog bypass the pre fx or have it turned on...right....? would that be my solution...? is it correct, that i could send the midi CC#70 and a value of 0-63 to the hx stomp to put the unit in analog bypass and then, with another preset or snapshot send cc#70 with a value of 64-127 to have the unit on...? thanks a lot! best, rudi
  11. on the hx fx in snapshot mode, can the bypass state be programmed individually to i could use switch#1 to activate bypass, and switch#2 to turn the unit on again and have the wah on the same time...? would i then have the problem, that in bypass mode, the displays aren't on, right? i also don't really know what you mean, when you say ..You still have 3 snapshots available on the HX FX, and other 3 on the Stomp...why three left..??? thanks! p.s.: i actually read the manual many times...but concerning bypass mode there's not much in there...;-(
  12. thank you...ok, but my goal is pretty simple...i want to use my amp without any digital pedals in front most of the time...and only when i want to use some wah or maybe some extreme fuzz sound or so, i`d like to be able to activate this pre-amp path via one well as i want to have 6 preset switches (clean, clean+, crunch, ...) do i oversee some possibility here...??? ;-)
  13. thank you! you mean the blackstar live logic controller...? so then i think i could prefer a second hx stomp, since it is smaller...right? so i could be able to send a midid message to do an analog bypass on (pre fx) unit one and select some preset on unit two...via one switch on the midi controller i could then activate some preset on unit one...right? so what i mean is, i can send a midi message for switching the analog bypass on and off, right? thanks!!!
  14. thank you! may i ask you another question concerning the hx stomp: do you maybe it possible to send a midi command to the stomp wich would activate analog bypass, but just for the "pre"-fx (from input to send out) , while the "post fx" (from return in to the output) are still on...?
  15. thanks, question: could i be in analog bypass mode, have all set to bypass and at the same time use the six switches of the hx efects for only switching amp channels and sending midi data...? thanks a lot!
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