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  1. I just bought a new iPad pro 9.7 with latest os on it 9.3.1 and in amplify remote in my music library under my playlists i can select a song and it will not have any corresponding tone selections in the right column come up at all..nothing shows select different similar tomes, i uninstalled the app re installed it and still the something..also album covers do not show up either when they did, i also utilize apple music and they use to show up as well the album covers etc and the corresponding tones from line 6 cloud, whats up now? also no song title or artists name shows up even though it will play the song ok..also all firmware and app is updated on my amplify 150 I have 2.50.3 and 2.50.2 on the amp..and if it should have updated it did not show up in the firmware check..
  2. Still no news on the looper function?, geez...we need this, it sure has been quite since they fixed the iOS 9 problem...
  3. Probably did not get the update on correctly, thats what it sounded like, cause it was doing the something as the old firmware, should be fine now, power button and home button does screen shots that end up in your photos..or camera roll
  4. Send me or post a Screen Shot of the lost connection? also what are you using for the app iOS or android? and what iPad or phone and which one? mine is working fine I have a 150...most are now, so it don't make sense...
  5. We now Need a Looper, there is no reason not to have one in the Remote, it would add so much more capability to the Amplify, I can then record a Background Rhythm, play that back and then be able to play my Lead's. With all of the Capability of the iPad or iPhone, that is a no Brainer..should be no reason why I should have to buy a pedal to have one.. They had it added when it first came out in Ideascale, but it seems they just never talked about it anymore cause the dang Amplify never worked correctly in Bluetooth so long. So everyone was focused on that. Add a looper!!! push button in the Amplifi Remote for record and playback..keep it simple like a Ditto Looper..
  6. Well I tried!! lol ..I wonder if it's a lose speaker connection? like vibration makes it do that maybe? possibility..
  7. Well for one, why are you playing it through your Mac? why not use an iPad of iPhone like it's meant to be? Now the difference between a Mac and an iPad and iPhone is that Mac has Bluetooth 4.0LE even if it's a newer one, (low energy). Not enough power to handle the data flow..they did this to save power...No way to change it either.. thus the iPad and iPhone Standard Bluetooth 4.0 (Higher Energy Output) , thus it might be why yours cuts out's.. older mac's you could swap out the Bluetooth..and change that...
  8. What type of laptop do you have? MAC? if so they come over that also..
  9. That is because you have announcements coming thru your IOS device, set them to do not disturb, and that should help.
  10. Did you update the app? Try also to Soft Reset your iOS device that works also...thats not shutting it down and start up again, it's use of the home button and power button at the sometime on most..
  11. Forget the bluetooth connection, then re pair it again...mine is working great also, you must be missing something...something, do you have another iOS device to try it on?
  12. syncing means to your Line 6 Account, maybe you did not enter than info...Username and password...for line6 Account, if you don't have that then it can't sync..
  13. Also you can try to Soft Reset your iPad...
  14. Yeh it was fine withe the early version, curious to know what they had to fix to cause the delay, what was it Line6. Unless it was the 100 and they tried to fix it all as one...
  15. Irazafim, if you ever programed, it's practically impossible to give "A Date" when it will be done, as problems arise all of the time while just programming a simple database even, you never know what's going to pop up next so to speak.. I know it sucks also, cause everyone needs that update...but it's only been 3 days since they said that they had a problem with releasing it..but date's are not practical. I do believe though they dropped the ball on the updates, and hopefully they learned a lesson thru all of this not to do that again..or whoever they hired needs to get their act together in making this software...and if they don't get it now, they need to hire someone else..
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