How loud is Stupid loud? (anyway I see a db value). I'm playing a song via blue tooth in my living room. I have the volume at about 95% I though it would be a little louder. I have to play around with it, I think the drummer I play with is going to drown me out. I was hoping to make his ears ring for a change ;). I had a DT25 combo,DT25 head+cab and a PodHD500X, I was never totally satisfied with it. The Firehawk 1500 has a few more features that are more important to me. I've done a factory reset. So far it seems pretty good. I have to put on my back brace and lug it down to the garage.
update... How loud is stupid loud? that would be Very Loud indeed. looks like this may get it done. The weight is a drag but the FB1500, a fbv and guitar and I'm set.