I just installed new firmware 2.50 for my Helix LT and it looks as though the midi messages sent from the Helix when changing preset are now wrong... When I switch preset, a midi message is sent out but Cubase recognises it a aftertouch? When I playback the midi track Helix won't aknoledge the incoming message (since it doesn't respond to aftertouch) and it won't change preset. Also, If I copy/paste the recorded messages from aftertouch to program change on my midi track in Cubase, the preset changes on Helix happen exactly as they should (which is how I patch the problem so far). Is there something wrong with Helix sending the wrong midi messages since I updated the firmware? Should I try a factory reset? I did try reinstalling cubase (didn't fix it) but I noticed the midi messages being sent from Helix are the same with another midi monitor software...
Thank you!