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Looking for a Boston clean tone for line 6 helix.
Chrisbrodziks101 posted a topic in Tone Discussion
Hi all could really use some help. I’m looking for a clean tone patch or multiple from the band Boston on my Line 6 Helix. I already have the Boston 1976 distorted patch. Looking for a clean tone on songs like Man I’ll Never Be, Hitch A Ride & Amanda. Thank you !- 1 reply
- line 6 helix
- boston patch
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I'm looking for just a crisp Fender Twin style clean tone that I can use as a starting-point for my patches. I've played with all of the factory presets, and a LOT of the clean-tones I've found on the forum, and so far I haven't been able to find anything that just sounds like a regular old CLEAN Fender Twin. They all seem to sound like 1 of 2 things: either just too squashed (they all sound like there's already some gain happening- if you just play a chord with any force, they already seem to start breaking up); OR they're those super ambient reverb-delay type clean tones (which don't get me wrong- those sound super cool and all, but I need just a good flat CLEAN tone). I play in a band that covers a LOT of different styles of music. Right now I get about 90% of my tones on-stage from just my clean Divided by 13 JRT 9/15 (think SUPER clean like a Fender Twin) with an Analog Man King of Tone in front of it, all mic'd by an SM57 pretty close to the grill. That's IT. And that's basically what I'm looking to replicate with the Helix, but I haven't even been able to get CLOSE, yet. Now, I know that's a "boutique" amp with a "boutique" pedal in front of it, but really I'm just looking for ANYTHING that's super clean, and NOT squashed. Like a clean tone where if you just strum an E-chord with some force, you can hear the fullness (headroom?) of the low AND high E-strings, without any breakup. Again nothing wrong with some killer break-up, but that's just not what I'm going for, here. I want it to be CLEAN as can be, until I put on a distortion pedal. I'm SURE the Helix is capable of this kind of clean tone, but apparently I'm too freaking dumb to make one myself! Every "clean" tone I've downloaded seems to sound like a Fender Twin.... only with like a blanket over it. Please- SOMEONE help me find a NOT-squasehd, BIG, crisp clean tone! Lastly- not sure how much this matters or not- but I'll be using this tone directly to/through the PA. We play a lot of big rooms, and I need a clean tone big enough to fill the space. That's where I've run into a lot of problems- a lot of the Helix clean tones sound okay until I have them going through the PA, at which point they seem to go from a little-squashed to "why aren't you just using an amp, you chump" squashed. THANKS, everyone!
- 17 replies
- helix
- clean tone
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cali iv Creating a clean preset using Cali Mark IV lead amp
samerbata posted a topic in Tone Discussion
So! I love the Cali Mark IV lead. I think it's one of the best amp models in the Helix. So as I wanted to create a 4 channel preset on my channel and not have a hugely varying sounds when switching, as well as the Mark IV for my lead and rhythm, I decided to use it for clean. I go throught the settings in the amp in the video, but I use LA comp in default setting for compression to make up for using single coils. I also use two Celestion IRs. You can watch the video here: If you have any questions or want to give a few pointers, go ahead.-
- clean tone
- preset
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Recently purchased a simple L6 pedal to switch between channels to play different songs. I’m using a Spider V 240 that is out of warranty. Most recently all my clean channels have started to make a loud crackling sound that drowns out the sound of the guitar. High gain channels work just fine though with zero crackling. Any trouble shooting tips for this?
- 1 reply
- spider-v
- clean tone
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Hi, i have a HD500x and have a lot of great distortion tones. My complaint is about clean tones.... Looking at the amp models the hd500x models, for me there´s really only one that can have a pure clean sound (the blackface - fender twin reverb)... All the others have at least a little crunch even with very little volume. I really think L6 should offer for us at leat one or two more really clean amps. I feel restricted when i want to create a very clean sound as i only have one option as amplifier and even with the blackface, when i want more output so it doesn´t sound a lot lower than the distortions, it gets a little crunchy. I am doing something wrong to get clean tones from the other amps available? Does anyone have any hints on how to get a good variety of really clean sounds on the HD500x?? Thanks.
- 24 replies
sometimes i get a sparkling brilliant clean tone and other times it's flat. anybody know anthing about this? resetting factory presets does not help. sometimes the noise suppressor is on and sometimes not. comments?
I just bought a IV15 and for some reason even on clean channel there is always a little distortion.even if I turn each noon appropriately and turn the drive and effects down all the way there is still a small amount of distortion I want it clean so I can use my me
- 2 replies
- clean tone
- pedal tone
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Hello, I have just purchased a Pod HD500x and I love it. I am 21 years old and I've been playing for 7 years. I play live but that's mostly acoustic performances. Unfortunetley my knowledge of music theory doesn't help me in knowledge of amps and audio understanding. I know the basics but I really want to dive in and learn about how to create the tones I want. I can hear it in my head but I am lost on how to recreate it for the most part. I have created some great heavy distortion lead tones that fit my style but I am having trouble trying to recreate the AC/DC sound along with other favorite artists like B.B. King, Santana, and Alice In Chains. I have all the gear for it. I am running my Pod through a Soldano Lucky 13 tube amp and it sounds great! I have a Gibson Les Paul Black Beauty (3 Humbuckers), Gibson Sg, Fender Telecaster, and an Ibanez Hollow Body Artcore. So you can say I totally have a dream setup! I just have no clue what Amp Models to use and how to adjust the settings to dial in that tone. I understand it's all preference but some general Guidelines would help. Feel free to name the amp models on the Pod in your suggestions and specify what you have your settings adjusted to. I realize every amp is different and everyone has their own sound but I just need some general explanations of what amps and settings are good for what. Thank you
hey guys - new here so if this already a post my apologies. i'm running a wireless G50 system from my guitar into my Pod HD Pro X into the LINE INPUT (L-MONO) on the back of my Pod set on the -10db switch, which is then going out into a SAMSON SERVO 200 Power Amplifier into a MARSHALL 4x12 cab. I play progressive/metal hardcore and the tones in this thing are absolutely phenomenal - sounds like a real amp. clean and drive tones sound fantastic when i plug straight into the GUITAR INPUT on the front of the POD, but i'm trying to keep the face of my rack nice and tidy so i thought i'd run wireless into the back into the Line Input. this is where my problem is - the drive channels and my pads and lead channels work absolutely fine, but i cannot for the life of me get the Clean channels to work through it - absolutely NO sound what-so-ever even though they work absolutely fine plugged into the FRONT GUITAR INPUT. can anyone point me towards a solution? cheers B)
- 1 reply
- clean tone
- pod hd pro x
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