Hello Everyone,
I am sure I am doing something wrong but when I use the volume pedal when going direct it turns off the delay signal. When I use the volume pedal when using the four cable method the delay trails and sounds cool. I have the delay in the "effects loop" in my signal chain. I get that cello effect when dong the 4CM but can't replicate it when going direct.
I also noticed when I was jamming with a friends and running direct into his PA, that when I turned the volume down on my guitar on a dirty patch that the Helix barely picks up the signal and I have to pick much harder to get a signal. The signal also seems delayed when I turn down my guitar volume on the guitar. This doesn't seem to be an issue on the clean channel but I rarely turn down the volume on a clean patch. The when volume on my guitar is all the way up the patches work fine. Also, the volume pedals works fine but not for getting the effect I want using the 4CM
Below is my signal chain and any help would be appreciated.