Hi All ,
I have a HD500 and i want to know if anyone had built a MIDI controller template for switching Banks,programs and more control of all patches ?
There are many MIDI designers and controller apps for iPhone and iPad and i think it would be convenient to have MIDI controlling the presets on the HD and M fx. There are apps like TouchOSC , Lemur , Control , Midi Designer etc that can be used to build custom MIDI interfaces.
I did a quick test with Midi Designer Pro and was able to send a Bank Change and Program Change and have the HD500 swtich to the right preset. Designing a flexible MIDI controlling template would be a big effort and is there a ready template for some app already built ?
Also , does the HD500 let one vary the values with MIDI also ? Can the 4 knobs be mapped to sliders in the MIDI controller interface so that it would be very easy to change presets but even parameters on the fly right from the guitar !
Any ideas / inputs welcome !