Is anyone aware of and can point me to a tutorial on configuring my Helix Rack
to be controlled with my DAW? I know the information is available in the manual(s)
if you know what you're doing and how to use it, but I don't.
I'm using Presonus Studio one pro for my DAW (win7), a Presonus sutdio 18/24 for my interface.
I've also downloaded and installed HX edit.
Hooking up cables, establishing midi channels is easy enough, but getting things to talk to
each other, not so much.
I'm a reasonably tech savy kind of guy and can probably figure it out eventually but
finding a tutorial and some tips and tricks to speed that along would be nice.
In hindsight, I probably should've gone with the helix native plugin, and will probably go ahead
and get it, but, I've got the rack so here we are. :)