Hello, hello. First posting on the forum, so yay. Too bad it's for an ugly, annoying issue: Using Windows 8.1, I'm consistently being stuck with a BSOD when recording / monitoring through Cubase. It happens at random, really. Sometimes I could be working for forty-five minutes to an hour or two, and other times I'll be slapped with that big, aggravating " :( " in a matter of minutes.
The problem is always cited as "SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED L6PODHD564.sys" Computer collects information to prevent data loss, blah blah blah... is supposed to restart automatically, but never does.
I've looked around the web a bit before showing up, and apparently it's a driver conflict? There are known issues with Logitech webcams and the HD500 drivers, but having disconnected / disabled the webcam, I still run into frequent BSOD's. I've made sure all of my drivers are up-to-date, and I've checked all of m L6 stuff to make sure that it, too, is updated... but it's turning out to be pretty fruitless. And I am stumped. Anyone have anything that they could put forward to this? I realize that Cubase is really good at finding faults to crash on, and that Windows 8.1 is... pretty new, but my hope is that I'm overlooking a simple solution. Any help is appreciated! Note: I'm using a standard ACER Aspire E1-522-7843. Spec-sheet here: http://us.acer.com/ac/en/US/content/model-datasheet/NX.M81AA.011