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Phase Shifters in Helix


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Did I miss something?  It looks to me like Helix has only the script Phase and no other phasers?  This seems like an oversight or that the list was incomplete.


Just when I was becoming a big fan of the barberpole phaser in the HD.

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Hate to bump my own thread, but I'm guessing that since no one has responded, that phase shifters are suddenly uncool?


I wish I had a dollar for every killer guitar solo that had a phase in front of the amp or every cool clean rythym or funk part that had a good phase shifter.  So I'm suprised that the scrip phaser, which is one of my least fave HD phasers is the only one on the list.


Please tell me that the effects list is incomplete

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That's one of the first things I noticed too, which incidentally has since been taken down, at least the original postings of it.


Like you, I hope that list is incomplete, even for a version 1.0. And one thing that leads me to believe it is incomplete is the other day I saw a mention on TGP that a panner effect is included, but the initial version of the list didn't have that, so that's something at least.

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Hate to bump my own thread, but I'm guessing that since no one has responded, that phase shifters are suddenly uncool?


I wish I had a dollar for every killer guitar solo that had a phase in front of the amp or every cool clean rythym or funk part that had a good phase shifter.  So I'm suprised that the scrip phaser, which is one of my least fave HD phasers is the only one on the list.


Please tell me that the effects list is incomplete


They have redacted a few posts. I think the features in the Helix represent Line6 listening to user requests. I think they are monitoring reactions and scrambling to fit as much in as they can before the actual release. 


This may be why we are not seeing more videos just yet.

Edited by CipherHost
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as far as i'm aware any list that DI posted would be the 1.0 list..... meaning on release..

you guys need to put your ideas on ideascale to get the visibility you need for post 1.0 considerations...


i think helix is proof that they watch ideascale and that votes count...

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I don't think that the list has changed much, but if DI took it down, it was probably because he was asked to do so from within L6 HQ...

everytime he posts he goes out on a limb a little bit...

could be one of those legal issues where he needs to have the proper trademark and copyright disclaimers or any other number of reasons.

best to wait for an official release of the information... because if he could keep it posted... it would probably be in the FAQ.

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what happened to the Helix cab list that was posted earlier?..


why has been canceled?


might someone re-post it please?

I didn't save that list, which I sometimes have the habit of doing, but I can remember the list being very similar to what exists in the POD series with at least one exception: the XXL-V30, which was missing or under a different name.


It wasn't that important because of the IR loading capability.


By the way, here's an ideascale link to add phase shifters to the Helix.

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Sorry to hijack, but also, a Step Phaser would be pretty cool to have on the Helix. Would mean I wouldn't need to get a Marshall Regenerator clogging up my 'board. I'd paste a link to my ideascale link but it seems my browser is having a hissy fit.



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