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HD500X - Sending CC Messages on ABCD Patch Change


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Hi all,


I'm trying to simply change amp channels when I change patches.


Quick question for the MIDI/HD gurus -- the title pretty much says it all. I'm trying to send a CC message when I change patches in ABCD mode. FS1 - FS4 send CC messages just fine. I've tried setting up the same messages on FS5 - FS8 (ABCD)...the patch changes as normal, but the messages are ignored and not sent.


I could go into all sorts of things I've tried, but I'll just clarify that I've tried a lot of tricks/configurations, and also made sure my firmware is up to date. Any ideas if this is possible and if so, are there any super weird quirks to make it work?


Thanks everyone!

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Not a MIDI guru to be sure, but this isn't possible upon a preset change. The only thing sent during a preset change is an automatic Program Change message.


@duncann -- Thanks for the response. You bring up a good point...PCs "sorta work." Anytime I change presets, the HD sends an automatic 0 PC to my other unit (Voodoo Lab Control Switcher). I've tried overriding the PC by changing the value on the FS's, but that doesn't do anything. Pretty useless when the only thing it does is zero out my other unit.


Has anyone been able to get PCs to work?

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The PC message data (0-64) sent upon a preset change is determined by what preset you're changing to. So if you change from 1A to 1D, the data sent is 4. If you want a value of 16 sent, organize the preset change to be that way; from patch whatever to 4D. One thing I'm not sure about, is what happens when you switch from say preset 1A in setlist 1 to 1D in setlist 3, but this might not be useful anyway since setlists can't be changed by the footswitches.


Anyway, you might be able to make use of the auto PC messages depending on how your other midi device can respond to it. If your Voodoo Lab can accept a PC change of 4 and send something out to your amp based on that, it might work. As for nothing but a zero being sent out, not sure. But check the midi channel the data is being sent on. The midi channel on the HD500X can be changed in the system menu, page 6 I think.

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RESOLVED thanks to duncann. Recap -- With the HD500X, you CANNOT send control change (CC) messages on preset change, but predefined program change (PC) messages are automatically sent from the HD every time you switch presets.


For us live rig guys, this means that if you have a device like the Voodoo Labs Control Switcher or an amp that accepts midi, you can program amp channel switching based on the PC it receives when the HD preset is switched.

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Sorry guys, maybe I'm not on the same page as you, but...


I'm looking at this in MidiOx. It doesn't matter what mode I'm in - ABCD or 5-8.


In ABCD mode:


If I'm in Bank 1 and I press Footswitch A, the POD sends PC#0 and the CC# that I randomly assigned to FS5 in preset 1A.


When I press Footswitch B it sends PC#1 with the CC#s that I randomly assigned to FS5 and FS6 in preset 1B.


The above is a simple example which you should be able to quickly duplicate.


In order to use the POD as a controller for Amp Sims, I put together a whole setlist of presets to call presets in the Amp Sims, turning on/off various effects in those presets using the POD's FS1-8 assignments, and using a noise gate (low dsp) in each block on the POD, saved on or off, so that the on/off status of the effects in the Amp Sim would be reflected. by the LEDs on the POD. Works like a charm.


What am I not getting in what you're trying to do?

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I'm looking at this in MidiOx. It doesn't matter what mode I'm in - ABCD or 5-8.


In ABCD mode:


If I'm in Bank 1 and I press Footswitch A, the POD sends PC#0 and the CC# that I randomly assigned to FS1 in preset 1A.


When I press Footswitch B it sends PC#1 with the CC#s that I randomly assigned to FS1 and FS2 in preset 1B.


In 5-8 mode, yes it will send CCs. I don't know how you achieved CCs on ABCD mode/preset switch. I'm pretty certain that ABCD mode only sends a pre-assigned PC and won't send any CCs assigned to any footswitch until AFTER you have entered the preset. After a half day testing variations, that's what my tests (and duncann) have confirmed at least.


Not that it matters for my use...PCs worked just fine.



What am I not getting in what you're trying to do?



Are you asking a question or just trying to understand what my issue was? This was resolved using PCs - see post #6.

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Sorry, pre coffee reply. Note that I've modified my post to reflect that it sends CCs from FS5-8. But that's wrong too. Here's the confusion. In either mode, on preset selection, it'll send ONLY CCs set to TOGGLE, from any FS#. In neither mode will it send simple CCs, Alternate Program Changes (like if you want to change a preset in a second device or SW), Bank Changes or Notes. I've attached (I think) screenshots of the results in both modes.


Other strangeness. the order it sends is (assuming all set to TOGGLE):




Program Change







I suppose that makes some sort of sense, in that it mirrors (after the Program Change) the physical layout of the switches, But why in the world would anyone want to send the Expression Pedal values BEFORE the Program Change? I'd love to know the designer's reasons for that. A purpose that my small brain can't imagine? Always happy to learn something new!


Also, you can't set the TOGGLE value, you're stuck with 000/127. If the parameter you want to change has 3 settings, and you need the middle one (I use 0/64 to toggle the Processing Mode in Bidule), you're SOL. That, and the one-CC-per-pedal press limitation, which prevents doing Preset Prev/Next or any other momentary type operations (TAP on an external device?) sort of shoots it down for my ideal purpose - to eliminate the need to bring my FCB1010 - less stuff to carry and all.


Oh well.


Wonder if the MIDI capability will be expanded in Helix (I WANT! I WANT! I GOT NO MONEY! I GOT NO MONEY!)?




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