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MIDI Program Change on two units at a time


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Hello everyone, I'm quite new to the MIDI thing.


Say we have two PODs (X3 Pro and HD Pro) in a band and we want the DAW to change programs/presets automatically on both units.


From what I've learned I need two midi tracks in my DAW. One set to Channel 1 (X3 Pro), one set to Channel 2 (HD Pro). Corresponding channels are set in the System settings of both PODs.


The routing is the following: DAW (Logic Pro X) --> USB to midi cable --> X3 Pro midi in --> X3 Pro midi out --> HD Pro midi in.



Markers in midi track 1 (X3 Pro) do make changes on Pod X3, but markers in track 2 (HD Pro) do nothing. The only way it works is setting HD Pro to Channel 1 as well, but then changes are made simultaneously to the same preset (1A on both with program value set to 0, for instance), which is not quite usable.


Any ideas?

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