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Effects not attaching to signal


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So I've been working on a few patches and presets and for some reason one patch sounds right and the other one does not. The first patch all of the effects "attach" to the signal and for the second patch every effect sounds like its post signal or something. Instead of droning or swelling I hear clear guitar notes and then all of the reverb and delay comes after that. Any answers on what might be causing this?

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So I've been working on a few patches and presets and for some reason one patch sounds right and the other one does not. The first patch all of the effects "attach" to the signal and for the second patch every effect sounds like its post signal or something. Instead of droning or swelling I hear clear guitar notes and then all of the reverb and delay comes after that. Any answers on what might be causing this?


One thing to keep in mind is that most effects have the max effect setting mixed with the max direct (dry) signal at 50% on the "Mix" parameter.  For many (most) effects, at a 100% you are only getting the effected (wet) signal. This means that for instance on "Mod" effects like a chorus or a flanger you will only be getting the slightly detuned/delayed signal without the direct signal. This can sound thin and awful depending on whether you are running a stereo or mono mix and how you set up your routing. Setting the "Mix" parameter properly on effects is very important to the final sound.


Setting the predelay setting too high on a reverb, having a really long delay time, or having a gate kick in erratically could also be possible causes of the symptoms you are describing but those are probably not causing your issue.

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