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Bias,BiasX,Ripple,Understandinding the latter stage amp controls


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Got my first guitar 30 years ago today, but sadly ive never cared to Bias an amp. Ripple is not a term im familiar with and wonder if it is specific to the Helix? BiasX? Is that similar to having a secret agent Bias your amplifier? 


I hear what the controls are doing, and often the effect they have on the sound, but sometimes not.....and the part that makes things a bit tricky is the way these fx are often dependent on other amp settings and that they vary between different amplifiers.


I was hoping we could discuss when and why to reach for these controls, but mostly how to use these later amp stage controls to consistently shape our tone.


Thanks!! All time and any though here is much appreciated. :)

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In case you haven't seen it already:


Scroll a bit and you'll find some explanations (at least ;))...

Oh jeez. Thanks for rendering my thread useless :P


No i hadnt seen that, thanks. Id heard about it and forgot to check it out.  A great place to start.

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So glad Line6 decided to include these controls within the models. They really bring out the magic in the amp models in a manner that is far easier to get than with the real things. They allow us to literally mod our own amps.


To me, tube amps are highly impractical devices because they don't get that wonderful responsiveness until the power tubes are really getting pushed. But by then, they're way too loud. Most gigging situations demand compromising tone or feel or both. The Helix takes care of these issues.

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