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working with the 89 pickups in Workbench HD

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I've noticed that the "89" model pick ups sound thinner and quieter than the Lesters. Also, I notice that my virtual 89s sound much weaker than the physical pickups in my 89F. I've tweeked the pots and such without success. Any suggested settings would be greatly appreciated!



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Bigger strings do actually help since its a piezo pickup being used for all of the modeled instruments.


 If you're playing around in work bench try using two pickups at the same time, stacked on top of each other by the bridge.  If its still thin or not enough output, keep moving one of them closer to the neck position.  I generally use the Lester modeled pickups this way for anything heavier suonding.

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I don't have a jtv but with my older 500 I jacked up the pickup volumes and the over all out put on the pickups page of workbench witch I assume still exists in the new workbench and that greatly filled out the thin sound of the virtual modeling pickups.BTW I went to extremes on the adjustments.

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