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Get 2 min long loop, if you start in 1/2 speed.


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This might be obvious to some, but it was overlooked by yours truly until this evening.  Anyways, I thought I would take the time to share.  If you are like me, and you like to use your unit as a practice device, lay down verse and chorus, and solo over that stuff until you have your chops in order, then having an extra min long loop is going to be valuable. 


For some reason, I assumed that the half time would simply turn a 1 min loop into a 2 min loop with a huge frequency drop to boot. Seems however, that you can just start things out in 1/2 speed, and get yourself a full 2 min. I have not played with it enough to know if there is any decrease in quality.  Hard to tell for me, as I have my acoustic out this evening, so the sound in the room changes drastically when I am not playing and just listening.  Sounds good though!

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Not sure what I am doing wrong now, but after turning the helix off and back on, this is no longer working.  Perhaps I spoke too soon.  I timed my loop earlier with a stopwatch at 2min.  Not sure why this is not working now.

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