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sound discrepancy in USB and 1/4 line out


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So I started recording some guitar track tru  Reaper via HD 500 USB port into  PC USB.

My backing track sound same tru earphones as it does going tru  my clean channel of the amp. However my recorded guitar track was lacking a lot of delay and reverb. while playing live the delay/reverb ratio seemed perfect.

So I increased the mix on both delay and reverb. Sounded terrible playing it but recorded it and sounds pretty good to me  that way.

Why would there be a discrepancy in USB signal vs  line out? Are my global settings wrong? (I am using tube pre amp for clean channel drive at 2, volume at 7, no efx loop method)

funny thing is modulation an over all sound of the guitar is not changed (at least to my ears) but time effx  are.

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I have found a similar shift in tonality from s/pdif out to line outs and XLR outs.

It could be the added preamp to go thru but it is not as defined. Squelchier is how it sounds and feels to me.

I didnt do anything to resolve it, might be simply a few tweaks just went back to the s/pdif outs.

Or rereading, might be some phase shift introduced on your line outs 

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On Page 5 of the System Settings you can select SPDIF to output a wet or dry signal, so it is possible to have 2 different signals between SPDIF and analog out. But I don't think that affects the USB output, so no help there, sorry.

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Sorry mine is  just a slight tonal difference I noticed, OP's is time based but possibly if monitoring

both USB and line outs there would be a phase issue as there is a minuscule longer line; ever such a tiny delay.

Thus phasing.

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That is twice the ADC DAC conversion going on.

With s/pdif, the input is just the ADC straight recorded digitally.

The s/pdif outs into my Motu 2408mkIII sound better than the line and XLR outs.That is another conversion

from digital back to analogue, then to go into another interface back to digital is another step but if no noticable

degradation then fair enough.


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